Friday, June 3, 2011

First Blog of My Life

As a student at Brooks Institute of Photography, one is taught the technical aspects of professional photography to produce high-quality, professional images; however, at times I have felt less inspired by the stagnation of my personal creativity when the majority of my focus is to ensure that the work I do is technically correct.  In response to this, a good friend and colleague whom I greatly respect suggested that we become the photographic equivalent of workout partners at the gym.  Instead of motivating each other to physical fitness, our aim is to present challenges and critiques to each other throughout the course of this experiment.  The rules of this "Photographic Pep Rally" are as follows:

1.  We must each shoot 5 images for each "assignment" that have nothing to do with our coursework.

2.  Because this is an artistic endeavor, the need to be technically correct with focus, exposure, composition, etc. is not required.

3.  The sole limitation will be a single parameter established the day prior by myself or my colleague.  For example, Monday's images must all be shot at a shutter speed of 1/30 second, Tuesday's images must be shot with the camera at ground level, etc.

4.  At the end of the day, the 5 best images selected by the photographer are to be emailed to the other participant.  After reviewing the images, recommendations for improvement and/or praise for the images will be written in a reply email.

This is a truly experimental process, as to which I am sure will evolve as time passes, but the final outcome will remain the same:  Inspiration and self-discovery.  I will be updating this blog once a week with my selection of the best image from each day.  If her choice of a favorite is different than mine, I will post that one as well.  I hope that this blog will not only help me and my colleague develop our original creative styles but also inspire my readers as well!  Off we go!

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